This dashboard is currently unavailable. This dashboard will only reflect data up to June 30, 2023 and will no longer be supported. To view the current data please click on the Potholes in the public service landing page or the customer service request button on the main page to navigate to the current dashboard.
How to use this dashboard
The Potholes dashboard shows reported potholes and repair activity for the past three years in the City of Cincinnati. The dashboard can be filtered by:
1. City neighborhoods, including Statistical Neighborhood Approximation, and Community Council boundary options.
2. Ticket status, showing whether a reported pothole has been repaired or remains open.
3. Number of days potholes requests have been open.
By default, only data in the current year is shown. To view data for the past three years, including year-over-year comparisons, click the green arrow on the bottom right-hand side of the dashboard
About this data
Citizen Service Request (CSR) gives Cincinnati residents the opportunity to submit service request for concerns like potholes, tall grass and missed trash pick-up. Using the Fix It Cincy! Mobile App, the CSR online portal and the hotline (311), citizens can submit Citizen Service Requests (CSR) for pothole repairs. The Department of Public Services (DPS) is responsible for repairing potholes on Cincinnati streets.