About this data
The Private Lot Abatement Program (PLAP) was formed through a proposal by Mayor Cranley to clean up overgrown lots and blight on private property in Cincinnati neighborhoods. PLAP has two critical components: civil citation issuance (via code enforcement), and lot cleaning/abatement.
PURPOSE: To promote thriving, clean, safe, and healthy neighborhoods through cleaning and abatement of private lots, while increasing code enforcement and civil citation revenue (for reinvestment back into PLAP).
HOW IT WORKS: Overgrown and blighted properties are reported by phone, the FixIt Cincy App, or online: code enforcement inspectors go out to physically inspect these properties. Citations are issued for tall grass and weeds (when overgrowth exceeds 10" height) and litter on the property: if the property is still in violation 10 days later, a second citation is issued, and the property is considered "abandoned," and is included in PLAP for abatement and ongoing maintenance. Properties with multiple abatements are candidates for sale or legal lot re-purposing via the Land Bank.

How to use this dashboard:
The Private Lot Abatement Program (PLAP) dashboard provides a high-level overview of abatements that were created. To view the number of abatements by Community Council or Neighborhood. Users can click on the buttons on the upper left side of the dashboard. 

To navigate to abatements during the last three years click on the button on the upper right side of the dashboard. To return to abatements during this year click on the back arrow on the top left side of the dashboard. This dashboard will be updated daily. 

Community Council: Nonprofit voluntary organizations that weigh in on city matters, but exist separately from the city government and follow different rules. Each neighborhood council has defined its own border which, in some cases, are not in agreement with other contiguous neighborhood boundaries resulting in areas of overlap within the layer. The City of Cincinnati does not intervene or mediate on these boundary discrepancies.
SNA (Statistical Neighborhood Approximations) Neighborhoods: Cincinnati neighborhoods based on the US Census Data and American Community Survey five-year estimates. The boundaries are redrawn every ten years following the Census.