How to use this dashboard:
The housing unit activity dashboard provides a high-level overview of housing units that were added, removed, and the overall net change. Users can filter
projects for all pages based on:
1. Neighborhood (SNA Neighborhood): Users can select particular neighborhoods by clicking on the drop-down menu in the top center. By default all neighborhoods are selected.
Date: Based on the
calendar date when the permit closed. To filter by date, adjust the slider in the top center. By default, all dates in the dataset are selected. This dataset starts on 1/10/2023.
To navigate to housing units removed, click on the arrow in the upper right hand corner. To view overall net change of housing units in the city click on the arrow in the upper right hand corner of the dashboard. To return to the housing unit removed or added click on the arrow in the upper left hand corner of the dashboard. By default the first page is housing units added.
To provide the most accurate representation of units added and units removed, this dataset will periodically be manually reviewed and edited. Therefore, the data in this dataset is subject to change periodically as these reviews take place.
Updates are provided monthly.
the Data:
The metrics in this dashboard are derived from the Department of Buildings and Inspections’ permit data.
This data does not reflect vacant buildings or those ordered to be vacated by the City of Cincinnati.
Due to the nature of building inspections, determining the total number of units added or removed for some projects is not feasible. This could be due to safety concerns, limited physical indicators of what building areas were used for, and other reasons. Therefore, a sample of this dataset was explored in depth to determine a margin of error of +/- 6%.
Unit: A housing unit is a single unit within a larger structure that can be used by an individual or household to eat, sleep, and live. A single-family home is considered one housing unit, a duplex is considered two housing units, etc.
Units Added: When an alteration permit or construction permit is closed, housing units from the permit are counted.
Units Removed: When an alteration permit or demolition permit is closed, housing units from the permit are counted.
Net Change: The difference between Units Added and Units Removed. A negative value indicates more units were removed than added.
SNA (Statistical Neighborhood Approximations) Neighborhoods: Cincinnati neighborhoods based on the US Census Data and American Community Survey five-year estimates. The boundaries are redrawn every ten years following the Census.